HENDERSON CHINA<0246> - Results Announcement

Henderson China Holdings Limited announced on 23/9/1999:
(stock code: 246)
Year end date: 30/6/1999
Currency: HK$
                                           Current          Corresponding
                                           Period           Period
                                           from 1/7/1998    from 1/7/1997
                                           to 30/6/1999     to 30/6/1998
Turnover                                 : 350,081,000      305,352,000
Profit-Continuing Operations 
    - Operating Profit/(Loss)            : 159,133,000      121,753,000
      excluding exceptional item
    - Exceptional Items                  : 18,407,000       -
    - Discontinued Operations            : N/A              N/A
Total Operating Profit/(Loss)            : 177,540,000      121,753,000
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Associated Companies                   : (43,509,000)     33,105,000
Profit/(Loss) after Tax
  & MI                                   : 140,868,000      119,031,000
% Change over Last Period                : +18%
EPS/(LPS)-Basic                          : 0.28             0.24
         -Diluted                        : N/A              N/A
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)          : Nil              Nil
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items            : 140,868,000      119,031,000
Final Dividend per Share                 : 0.10             0.10
(Specify if with other options)          : -                -
B/C Dates for Final Dividend             : 23/11/1999 to 1/12/1999 bdi.
Payable Date                             : 2/12/1999
B/C Dates for (-) General Meeting        : -                
Other Distribution for Current Period    : Nil
B/C Dates for Other Distribution         : -


Exceptional item represents a refund of business tax of HK$18,407,000 
(1998: Nil) as a result of a 2% tax concession granted by the local tax
authorities in the People's Republic of China for business tax previously 