BEIJING YANHUA<00325> - Amendment to Results Announcement (Advised by BEIJING YANHUA)

The Stock Exchange has received a message from Sinopec Beijing Yanhua 
Petrochemical Company Limited which is reproduced as follows:-

"There has been an error in the figure for the item, "Profit/(Loss) from 
Operations" for the period from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2001, as set 
out in the results of the Company published on Hong Kong Stock Exchange's 
website.  The figure as stated in there is RMB(279,026,000) when it should 
actually be RMB(266,605,000).  The error was caused by the failure of the 
directors of the Company to give due notice to the final adjustment and 
confirmation of such figure by the Company's auditors and amend such 
figure accordingly.  The correct "loss" figure is stated in the Company's 
Annual Results Announcement published in Hong Kong newspapers today."