SAINT HONORE<00192> - Results Announcement (Summary)

Saint Honore Holdings Limited announced on 11/7/2002 :
(stock code: 192)
Year end date: 31/3/2002
Currency: HKD
Auditors' Report: Unqualified
Review of Interim Report by: N/A
                                           (Audited)        Last
                                           Current          Corresponding
                                           Period           Period
                                           from 1/4/2001    from 1/4/2000
                                           to 31/3/2002     to 31/3/2001
                                           ('000)           ('000)
Turnover                                 : 476,189          448,547
Profit/(Loss) from Operations            : 24,479           23,409
Finance cost                             : 0                0
Share of Profit/(Loss) of Associates     : 0                0
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities            : 0                0
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI             : 20,200           19,460
% Change over Last Period                : +3.8%
EPS/(LPS)-Basic                          : 10.3 cents       9.9 cents
         -Diluted                        : 10.1 cents       9.9 cents
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)          : 0                0
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items            : 20,200           19,460
Final Dividend per Share                 : 3.5 cents        6 cents
(Specify if with other options)          : N/A              N/A
B/C Dates for Final Dividend             : 24/8/2002 to 29/8/2002 bdi.
Payable Date                             : 10/9/2002
B/C Dates for Annual General Meeting     : 24/8/2002 to 29/8/2002 bdi.
Other Distribution for Current Period    : N/A
B/C Dates for Other Distribution         : N/A


(1)  Comparative Figures
     Comparative figures previously presented have been restated after the 
     adoption of the following new and revised Statements of Standard     
     Accounting Practice ("SSAPs") issued by the Hong Kong Society of     
     Accountants which are, unless otherwise stated, effective for      
     accounting periods commencing on or after 1st January 2001:

     SSAP 9 (revised)   Events after the balance sheet date
     SSAP 14 (revised)  Leases (effective for the periods commencing on or 
                        after 1st July 2000)
     SSAP 26            Segment reporting
     SSAP 28            Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent 
     SSAP 29            Intangible assets
     SSAP 30            Business combinations
     SSAP 31            Impairment of assets
     SSAP 32            Consolidated financial statements and accounting 
                        for investments in subsidiaries

(2)  Earnings per share
     The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based 
     on the following:
                                                        2002        2001
                                                        HK$          HK$
Earnings for the purpose of the calculation 
  of basic and diluted earnings per share       20,199,927      19,460,373 
                                                ----------      ----------

Number of shares                                        2002         2001
Weighted average number of ordinary share for 
  the purpose of the calculation of basic 
  earnings per share                            196,229,000    196,229,000
Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares    3,851,608       603,225
                                                -----------     ----------
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for 
  the purpose of the calculation of diluted 
  earnings per share                            200,080,608    196,832,225 
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