EGANA JEWELLERY<00926> - Odd Lot Arrangement

The Stock Exchange has received a message from Egana Jewellery & Pearls 
Limited which is reproduced as follows:-

"In order to facilitate the trading of odd lots (if any), the Company has 
appointed Upbest Securities Company Limited as an agent to arrange for the 
sale and purchase of odd lots on behalf of the Shareholders and potential 
investors. During the period from 19 September 2002 to 11 October 2002 
(both dates inclusive), holders of the Consolidated Shares who wish to 
take advantage of this facility either to dispose of their odd lots or to 
top them up to a full board lot may contact Upbest Securities Company 
Limited during the aforesaid period as follows: 

Contact person           Address                        Telephone number 

Mr. Ben Luk              2nd Floor, Wah Kit Commercial  (852) 2545 3298  
                         Centre 302 Des Voeux Road
                         Hong Kong       "