WING LUNG BANK<00096> - Results Announcement (Summary)

Wing Lung Bank Limited announced on 20/8/2003:
(stock code: 96)
Year end date: 31/12/2003
Currency: HK$
Auditors' Report: N/A
Review of Interim Report by: Audit Committee

                                           (Unaudited)      Last
                                           Current          Corresponding
                                           Period           Period
                                           from 1/1/2003    from 1/1/2002
                                           to 30/6/2003     to 30/6/2002
                                           ('000)           ('000)
Gross Interest Income                    : 943,890          1,026,804
Profit from Operations                   : 457,624          455,142
Finance cost                             : N/A              N/A
Share of Profit/(Loss) of Associates     : 138              (181)
Share of (Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities            : (1,951)          (4,467)
Profit after Tax & MI                    : 390,646          384,825     
% Change over Last Period                : +1.5%
EPS      - Basic  (in dollar)            : 1.68             1.66
         - Diluted  (in dollar)          : N/A              N/A
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)          : N/A              N/A
Profit after ETD Items                   : 390,646          384,825
Interim Dividend per Share               : $0.38            $0.33
(Specify if with other options)          : N/A              N/A
B/C Dates for Interim Dividend           : 23/9/2003 to 29/9/2003 bdi.
Payable Date                             : 29/9/2003
B/C Dates for (-) General Meeting        : N/A      
Other Distribution for Current Period    : Nil      
B/C Dates for Other Distribution         : N/A      


1.      The calculation of earnings per share is based on the Group's 
profit attributable to shareholders for the period and on 232,190,115 
shares in issue.

2.      Accounting policies
        The accounting policies used in preparing these interim results 
are consistent with those adopted in the 2002 annual accounts except that 
the Group has changed its accounting policy in relation to the accounting 
for deferred tax following its adoption of the Statement of Standard 
Accounting Practice ("SSAP") 12 "Income taxes" issued by the Hong Kong 
Society of Accountants which is applicable to the Group for accounting 
periods commencing on or after 1 January 2003.

Following the adoption of SSAP 12, which became effective on 1 January 
2003, deferred taxation is recognised in full, using the liability method, 
for all temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and 
liabilities in the balance sheet and the corresponding tax bases used in 
the computation of taxable profit.  Deferred tax assets are recognised to 
the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be 
available against which the temporary differences can be utilised.  
Taxation rates enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date 
are used to determine deferred taxation.

In prior years, deferred taxation was accounted for at the current 
taxation rate in respect of timing differences between profit as computed 
for taxation purposes and profit as stated in the accounts to the extent 
that a liability or an asset was expected to be payable or recoverable in 
the foreseeable future.  Deferred tax assets were not recognised unless 
their realisation was assured beyond reasonable doubt.

The above change in accounting policy has been applied retrospectively so 
that the comparative figures presented have been restated to reflect the 
above changes accordingly.

The opening total equity at 1 January 2003 and 1 January 2002 have been 
increased by HK$48,115,000 and HK$43,987,000 respectively, which represent 
the unrecognised net deferred tax assets.  This change in accounting 
policy has resulted in an increase in deferred tax assets and a decrease 
in deferred tax liabilities at 30 June 2003 by HK$33,470,000 (31 December 
2002: HK$32,002,000) and HK$14,074,000 (31 December 2002: HK$16,113,000) 
respectively.  The profit and amount charged directly to equity for the 
six months ended 30 June 2003 have been increased by HK$5,708,000 (30 June 
2002: HK$3,021,000) and HK$6,279,000 (30 June 2002:  HK$318,000) 