Listed Company Information

HENDERSON CHINA<00246> - Unusual Price & Volume Movements

The Stock Exchange has received a message from Henderson China Holdings
Limited which is reproduced as follows:-

"This statement is made at the request of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong 

The Company has noted the recent increases in the price and trading volume 
of the shares of the Company and wishes to state that the Company is not 
aware of any reasons for such increases.

The Company also wishes to clarify that the Company has been informed by 
Henderson Land Development Company Limited, the Company's holding company, 
that Henderson Land Development Company Limited has no present intention 
of privatisating the Company.

The Company also confirms that there are no negotiations or agreements 
relating to intended acquisitions or realisations which are discloseable 
under rule 13.23 of the Listing Rules and neither is the Board aware of 
any matter discloseable under the general obligation imposed by rule 13.09 
of the Listing Rules, which is or may be of a price-sensitive nature.

Made by the order of the Board of Henderson China Holdings Limited, the 
directors of which individually and jointly accept responsibility for the 
accuracy of this statement.

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises: (1) executive 
directors:  Lee Ka Kit (Chairman), Lee Shau Kee, Colin Lam Ko Yin, Lee 
King Yue, Leung Sing, Lee Ka Shing, Patrick Kwok Ping Ho, Ho Wing Fun and 
Cheung Fong Ming; (2) non-executive directors: Wong Ying Wai, Kan 
Fook Yee and Philip Yuen Pak Yiu; and (3) independent non-executive 
directors: Liang Shangli, Gordon Kwong Che Keung and Leung Yuk Kwong.

By Order of the Board

John Yip Ying Chee

3rd February, 2005"