Listed Company Information

PAC CENTURY INS<00065> - Results Announcement

Pacific Century Insurance Holdings Limited announced on 08/08/2005:
(stock code: 00065 )
Year end date: 31/12/2005
Currency: HKD
Auditors' Report: N/A
Interim report reviewed by: Audit Committee

                                                        (Unaudited )
                                     (Unaudited )       Last
                                     Current            Corresponding
                                     Period             Period
                                     from 01/01/2005    from 01/01/2004
                                     to 30/06/2005      to 30/06/2004
                               Note  ('000      )       ('000      )
Turnover                        1  : 854,160            804,243           
Profit/(Loss) from Operations   2  : 103,710            (113,765)         
Finance cost                    2  : (23,169)           N/A               
Share of Profit/(Loss) of 
  Associates                       : N/A                N/A               
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities      : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI    2  : 71,263             (120,811)         
% Change over Last Period          : N/A       %
EPS/(LPS)-Basic (in dollars)    3  : 0.09               (0.15)            
         -Diluted (in dollars)  4  : 0.09               (0.14)            
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)    : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items   2  : 71,263             (120,811)         
Interim Dividend                   : $0.01              Nil
  per Share                                              
(Specify if with other             : N/A                N/A
B/C Dates for 
  Interim Dividend                 : 20/09/2005         to 23/09/2005 bdi.
Payable Date                       : 30/09/2005
B/C Dates for (-)            
  General Meeting                  : N/A   
Other Distribution for             : N/A
  Current Period                     
B/C Dates for Other 
  Distribution                     : N/A   


1.      Turnover                        
                        Unaudited six months ended                              
        30/6/2005                       30/6/2004               
                                        P&L Effect on 
                                        HKFRS 4 
                        Reported        Contract        Restated
        HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000
Revenue from:                                                   
Life insurance contracts                                                
Single premium  
         11,489           7,375          (4,268)          3,107 
First year premium      
        109,156         113,191          (6,891)        106,300 
Renewal premium 
        718,381         683,554               0         683,554 
        839,026         804,120         (11,159)        792,961 
Retirement scheme business              
              0          11,756         (11,756)              0 
        839,026         815,876         (22,915)        792,961 
General insurance commissions under agency agreements           
          5,597           5,908               0           5,908 
Asset management fees           
          8,343           4,493               0           4,493 
Fess on investment contracts            
          1,194               0             881             881 
        854,160         826,277         (22,034)        804,243
2.      Profit/(Loss) after Taxation & MI /                     
        Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items
                        Unaudited six months ended                              
        30/6/2005                       30/6/2004               
                                        P&L Effect on 
                                        HKFRS 2 Share 
                                        Option Scheme
                                        of URET Tax in
                        Reported        PRC             Restated
        HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000
Profit/(Loss) before Tax  from Operations *                     
        103,710         (111,181)       (2,584)         (113,765)
Finance Cost                    
        (23,169)                0                       0 
Profit/(Loss) before Tax                        
        80,541          (111,181)       (2,584)         (113,765)
Continuing Operations           
        (9,216)           (7,145)           99            (7,046)
Discontinued Operation          
Profit/(Loss) after Taxation & MI / Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items **            
        71,263          (118,326)       (2,485)         (120,811)
*       Profit/(Loss) from Continuing Operations                
        103,341                                         (113,893)
Profit from Discontinued Operation              
            369                                              128 
        ---------                                       ----------
Profit/(Loss) from Operations           
        103,710                                         (113,765)
        =========                                       ==========
**      Net Profit/(Loss) from Continuing Operations            
         70,956                                         (120,939)
Net Profit from Discontinued Operation          
            307                                              128 
        ----------                                      ----------
Profit/(Loss) after Taxation & MI / Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items               
         71,263                                         (120,811)
        =========                                       ==========
3.      EPS/(LPS) - Basic
                        Unaudited six months ended                              
        30/6/2005                       30/6/2004               
                                        P&L Effect on 
                                        HKFRS 2 Share 
                        Reported        Option Scheme   Restated

a)      Basic for Net Profit/(Loss) Attributable to Shareholders                

Issued Shares (Weighted Average No of Shares)           
        821,383,000      821,369,000                     821,369,000 
        ============================                    ==============
Profit/(Loss) after Taxation & MI / Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items (HK$)         
         71,263,000     (118,326,000)   (2,485,000)     (120,811,000)
Earnings/(Loss) per Share (HK$)         
               0.09            (0.14)                          (0.15)
        ==============================                  ==============
b)      Basic for Net Profit/(Loss) from Continuing Operations                  

Issued Shares (Weighted Average No of Shares)           
        821,383,000                                      821,369,000 
        ===========                                     =============
Net Profit/(Loss) from Continuing Operations (HK$)              
         70,956,000                                     (120,939,000)
        ===========                                     =============
Earnings/(Loss) per Share (HK$)         
               0.09                                            (0.15)
        ===========                                     =============

4.      EPS/(LPS) - Diluted                     
                        Unaudited six months ended                              
        30/6/2005                       30/6/2004               
                                        P&L Effect on 
                                        HKFRS 2 Share 
                        Reported        Option Scheme   Restated
a)      Diluted for Net Profit/(Loss) Attributable to Shareholders              
Issued Shares (Weighted Average No of Shares)           
        821,383,000      821,369,000                     821,369,000 
Add: Shares Issued at No Consideration on the Deemed Exercise           
         12,550,000       16,749,000                      16,749,000 
of All Share Options (Weighted Average No of Shares)    
        ----------------------------                    ------------            
        833,933,000      838,118,000                     838,118,000 
        ============================                    ============
Profit/(Loss) after Taxation & MI / Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items (HK$)         
         71,263,000     (118,326,000)   (2,485,000)     (120,811,000)
Earnings/(Loss) per Share (HK$)         
               0.09            (0.14)                          (0.14)
        ==============================                  =============
b)      Diluted for Net Profit/(Loss) from Continuing Operations                
Issued Shares (Weighted Average No of Shares)           
        821,383,000                                      821,369,000 
Add: Shares Issued at No Consideration on the Deemed Exercise           
         12,550,000                                       16,749,000 
of All Share Options (Weighted Average No of Shares)                            
        ------------                                    -------------
        833,933,000                                      838,118,000 
        ============                                    =============
Net Profit/(Loss) from Continuing Operations (HK$)              
         70,956,000                                     (120,939,000)
        ============                                    =============
Earnings/(Loss) per Share (HK$)         
               0.09                                            (0.14)
        ============                                    =============