Listed Company Information


The Stock Exchange has received a message from China Flavors and 
Fragrances Company Limited, a new listing applicant, which is 
reproduced as follows:-

"Announcement of the Offer Price, 
indication of the level of 
interest in the Placing, the results 
of applications under the Public Offer 
and basis of allocation of the 
Public Offer Shares, the number of 
Offer Shares (if any) reallocated from 
the Public Offer to the Placing or 
from the Placing to the Public Offer, 
to be posted on the website of 
the Stock Exchange and published 
in the South China Morning Post
(in English) and the Hong Kong Economic 
Times (in Chinese) on or before...............Thursday, 8th December, 2005 

Despatch/collection of refund 
cheques in respect of wholly or 
partially unsuccessful applications 
under the Public Offer........................Thursday, 8th December, 2005 

Despatch/collection of the 
Share certificates 
on or before..................................Thursday, 8th December, 2005 

Dealings in the Shares on the 
Stock Exchange commence on......................Friday, 9th December, 2005 

WHITE Application Form:- 

If you have applied for 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares or above and have 
indicated on your Application Form that you will collect your share 
certificate(s) and/or refund cheque (if any) in person, you may collect 
it/them from:- 

                     Tricor Investor Services Limited 
          Ground Floor, Bank of East Asia Harbour View Centre 
                           56 Gloucester Road 
                                Hong Kong 

between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on the date notified by the Company in 
the newspapers as the date of despatch of share certificates and refund 
cheques. This is expected to be on Thursday, 8th December, 2005. 

If you are an individual who opts for personal collection, you must not 
authorise any other person to make collection on your behalf. If you are
a corporate applicant which opts for personal collection, you must 
attend by your authorised representative bearing a letter of 
authorisation from your corporation stamped with your corporation's 
chop. Both individuals and authorised representatives (if applicable) 
must, in any event, produce, at the time of collection, evidence of 
identity acceptable to Tricor Investor Services Limited. If you do not 
collect your share certificate(s) and/or refund cheque (if any) within 
the time for collection specified above, they will be sent to you by 
ordinary post to the address as specified in your Application Form (or 
the address of the first-named applicant in case of a joint application)
and at your own risk shortly after the time for collection. 

If you have applied for 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares or above and have 
not indicated on your Application Form that you will collect your share 
certificate(s) and/or refund cheque (if any) in person; or if you have 
applied for less than 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares; or if your 
application is rejected, not accepted or accepted in part only; or if 
the conditions of the Public Offer are not fulfilled in accordance with 
the paragraph headed `Conditions of the Share Offer' under the section 
headed `Structure and conditions of the Share Offer' in this prospectus,
or if any application is revoked or any allotment pursuant thereto has 
become void, then your share certificate(s) and/or refund cheque (if 
any) in respect of the application monies or the appropriate portion 
thereof, together with the related brokerage, Stock Exchange trading 
fee, transaction levy imposed by the Securities and Futures Commission 
and investor compensation levy, if any, (without interest) will be sent 
to the address on your Application Form (or the address of the 
first-named applicant in case of a joint application) by ordinary post 
and at your own risk on the date of despatch. 