Listed Company Information

GOLDWIZ HOLD<00586> - Unusual price movement

The Stock Exchange has received a message from Goldwiz Holdings Limited
which is reproduced as follows:-

"This statement is made at the request of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong 

The directors ("Directors") of Goldwiz Holdings Limited (the "Company") 
have noted today's decreases in the price of the shares of the Company and 
wish to state that we are not aware of any reasons for such decreases.

We confirm that there are no negotiations or agreements relating to 
intended acquisitions or realisations which are discloseable under rule 
13.23, neither is the Board aware of any matter discloseable under the 
general obligation imposed by rule 13.09, which is or may be of a price-
sensitive nature.

Made by the order of the Board of the Company, the directors comprising 
Mr. Liu Xue Lin, Mr. Yao Keming, Mr. Chang Kuan Hsi, Mr. Simon Shi Hao, 
Mr. Lin Chia Chin, Mr. Peng Sheng Bo, Mr. Ni Ling, Mr. Sun Yuming as 
Executive Directors and Mr. Liu Kwok Fai, Alvan, Mr. Chow Siu Tong and Mr. 
Lai Ka Chu as Independent Non-Executive Directors and each of them (except 
Mr. Liu Xue Lin, Mr. Yao Keming, Mr. Chang Kuan His, Mr. Simon Shi Hao, 
Mr. Lin Chia Chin and Mr. Chow Siu Tong) who are out of Hong Kong and not 
contactable) individually and jointly accept responsibility for the 
accuracy of this statement.

Name: Ni Ling   
Date: 28 December 2005"