Listed Company Information

ZIJIN MINING<02899> - Unusual volume movement

The Stock Exchange has received a message from Zijin Mining Group Co.,
Ltd. which is reproduced as follows:-

"This statement is made at the request of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong 

We have noted the recent increase in the trading volume of the shares of 
Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. (the "Company") and wish to state that we are 
not aware of any reasons for such increase.

We also confirm that there are no negotiations or agreements relating to 
intended acquisitions or realisations which are discloseable under Rule 
13.23 of the Listing Rules, neither is the board of directors (the "Board
") aware of any matter discloseable under the general obligation imposed 
by Rule 13.09 of the Listing Rules, which is or may be of a price-
sensitive nature.

This statement is made by the order of the Board of the Company, the 
directors of which individually and jointly accept responsibility for the 
accuracy of this statement.

By Order of the Board of
Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.

Fan Cheung Man
Company Secretary

8th February, 2006 Hong Kong, 

As at the date of this statement, the Board of Directors of the Company 
comprises the following Directors:-

Non-Executive Directors:-       Executive Directors:-
Ke Xiping                       Chen Jinghe (Chairman)
                                Liu Xiaochu
                                Luo Yingnan
                                Lan Fusheng
                                Rao Yimin

Independent Non-executive Directors
Yang Dali
Yao Lizhong
Loong Ping Kwan"