Listed Company Information

WING LUNG BANK<00096> - Results Announcement

Wing Lung Bank Limited announced on 22/02/2006:
(stock code: 00096 )
Year end date: 31/12/2005
Currency: HKD
Auditors' Report: Unqualified

                                                        (Audited   )
                                     (Audited   )       Last
                                     Current            Corresponding
                                     Period             Period
                                     from 01/01/2005    from 01/01/2004
                                     to 31/12/2005      to 31/12/2004
                               Note  ('000      )       ('000      )
Net Interest Income                : 1,134,618          1,071,560         
Profit/(Loss) from Operations      : 1,297,794          1,215,846         
Finance cost                       : N/A                N/A               
Share of Profit/(Loss) of 
  Associates                       : 1,323              355               
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities      : 6,649              10,199            
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI       : 1,108,815          1,032,146         
% Change over Last Period          : +7.4      %
EPS/(LPS)-Basic (in dollars)       : 4.78               4.44              
         -Diluted (in dollars)     : N/A                N/A               
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)    : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items      : 1,108,815          1,032,146         
Final Dividend                     : $2.13              $1.98
  per Share                                              
(Specify if with other             : N/A                N/A
B/C Dates for 
  Final Dividend                   : 12/04/2006         to 22/04/2006 bdi.
Payable Date                       : 22/04/2006
B/C Dates for (-)            
  General Meeting                  : N/A   
Other Distribution for             : N/A
  Current Period                     
B/C Dates for Other 
  Distribution                     : N/A   

1.      Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share is based on the Group's profit 
attributable to shareholders of HK$1,108,815,000 (2004: HK$1,032,146,000) 
and 232,190,115 (2004: 232,190,115) shares in issue during the year.

2.      Basis of preparation

The accounting policies and methods of computation used in the preparation 
of these final results are consistent with those adopted in the 
preparation of the Group's annual statutory accounts for the year ended 31 
December 2004 except that the Group has changed certain of its accounting 
policies following its adoption of all applicable new and revised Hong 
Kong Financial Reporting Standards and Hong Kong Accounting Standards ("
new HKFRSs") which are effective for accounting periods commencing on or 
after 1 January 2005 as disclosed in note 3 below.

3.      Changes in accounting policies

The changes to the Group's accounting policies and the effect of adopting 
these new HKFRSs are set out below:-

(a)     HKAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements
In prior years, the Group's share of taxation of jointly controlled 
entities and associates accounted for using the equity method was included 
as part of the Group's taxation in the consolidated profit and loss 

On adoption of HKAS 1, the Group has changed the presentation and includes 
the share of taxation of jointly controlled entities and associates 
accounted for using the equity method in the respective shares of profit 
or loss reported in the consolidated profit and loss account before 
arriving at the Group's profit before taxation.  

These changes in presentation have been applied retrospectively with 
comparatives restated.

(b)     HKAS 17: Leases
In prior years, the leasehold properties held for own use were stated at 
cost less accumulated depreciation.  

With the adoption of HKAS 17, where the land and building elements of the 
leasehold properties held for own use can be allocated reliably at the 
inception of the lease, the land element is accounted for as operating 
lease.  As such, any leasehold land premiums for acquiring the land 
leases, or other lease payments, are charged to the profit and loss 
account on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease or where 
there is impairment, the impairment is charged to the profit and loss 
account.  Any buildings which are situated on such land leases continue to 
be presented as part of premises and are stated at cost less accumulated 
depreciation.   Where the land and building elements cannot be allocated 
reliably at the inception of the lease, the land and building elements 
will continue to be treated as finance lease and carried at cost less 
accumulated depreciation. 

HKAS 17 has been adopted retrospectively and the comparative figures for 
2004 have been restated to conform with the changed policy.  This change 
has resulted in an increase in total equity at 1 January 2004 and 1 
January 2005 by HK$7,424,000 and HK$7,885,000 respectively.  

(c) HKAS 32: Financial instruments - Disclosure and presentation
HKAS 39: Financial instruments - Recognition and measurement

Interest income and expense

In prior years, interest income and expense were recognised in the profit 
and loss account as it accrued, except in the case of doubtful debts where 
interest was credited to a suspense account which was netted in the 
balance sheet against the relevant balances.

Fees on loan origination were accounted for as and when they were 
receivable.  Cash rebates granted in relation to residential mortgage 
loans were capitalised and amortised to the profit and loss account on a 
straight line basis.  The amortisation of premiums and discounts arising 
on acquisition of dated debt securities was included as part of interest 

On adoption of HKAS 39, interest income and expense are recognised in the 
profit and loss account by using the effective interest method.  The 
calculation includes all fees and points paid or received between parties 
to the contract that are an integral part of the effective interest rate, 
transaction costs and all other premiums or discounts.

Once a financial asset has been written down as a result of an impairment 
loss, interest income is recognised using the rate of interest used to 
discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment 
Derivative financial instruments

In prior years, derivative financial instruments held for trading purposes 
were marked to market value and the gain or loss arising was recognised in 
the profit and loss account as "Net gain/loss from foreign exchange 
trading" or "Net gain/loss arising from derivative products".  Unrealised 
gains on transactions which were marked to market were included in "
Advances and other accounts" on the balance sheet.  Unrealised losses on 
transactions which were marked to market were included in "Other accounts 
and accruals".

Derivatives designated as hedges were valued on an equivalent basis to the 
assets, liabilities or net positions that they were hedging.  Any profit 
or loss was recognised in the profit and loss account on the same basis as 
that arising from the related assets, liabilities or net positions.  
On adoption of HKAS 39, derivatives are initially recognised at fair value 
on the date on which a derivative contract is entered into.  Certain 
derivatives embedded in other financial instruments are treated as 
separate derivatives when their economic characteristics and risks are not 
closely related to those of the host contract and the host contract is not 
carried at fair value through profit or loss.  All derivatives are carried 
as assets when fair value is positive and as liabilities when fair value 
is negative.  Subsequent changes in fair value are recognised depending on 
the purpose of the derivatives.

Derivative financial instruments designated as hedges are subject to hedge 
accounting provided that certain qualifying criteria are met.  There are 
two types of hedges:

(i)     Fair value hedge

Fair value hedge is a hedge against the fair value of recognised assets or 
liabilities or firm commitments.  Changes in the fair value of derivatives 
that are designated and qualified as fair value hedges are recorded in the 
profit and loss account, together with any changes in the fair value of 
the hedged assets or liabilities that are attributable to the hedged risk.

(ii) Cash flow hedge

Cash flow hedge is a hedge against the cash flows attributable to 
recognised assets or liabilities or forecast transactions.  The effective 
portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated 
and qualified as cash flow hedges are recognised in equity.  The gain and 
loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the 
profit and loss account.  Amounts accumulated in equity are recycled to 
the profit and loss account in the periods in which the hedged item will 
affect profit and loss.  
Derivative financial instruments held for trading and those that do not 
qualify for hedge accounting will be accounted for at fair value with 
changes in fair value reported through the profit and loss account.

Financial assets

In prior years, all financial assets were carried at cost or amortised 
cost, net of impairment provisions, except for those securities held for 
trading and non-trading purposes which were held at fair value.  Gains and 
losses from changes in fair value were recognised in the profit and loss 
account in respect of trading securities, and in equity in respect of non
-trading securities.
On adoption of HKAS 39, financial assets are classified into the following 

(i)     Loans and receivables

Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or 
determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. They arise 
when the Group provides money, goods or services directly to a debtor with 
no intention of trading the receivable.  Loans and receivables are carried 
at amortised cost using the effective interest method.  

(ii)  Trading securities 

Securities which have been acquired principally for the purpose of selling 
in the short term are classified as trading securities and stated at fair 
value at the balance sheet date.  Changes in fair value of trading 
securities are recognised as "Net gain/loss from trading securities" in 
the profit and loss account as they arise. Derivatives are also 
categorised as held for trading unless they are designated as hedges.    

(iii)   Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are not those 
financial assets acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the 
short term but designated by management as such if the following criteria 
are met:-
- The designation eliminates or significantly reduces a measurement or 
recognition inconsistency that would otherwise arise from measuring assets 
or liabilities or recognising the gains and losses on them on different 
bases; or

- The designation relates to those financial instruments embedded with 
derivatives which significantly modify the cash flows of the financial 
instruments, and which would otherwise require separate accounting.

These financial assets are recognised initially at fair value and 
transaction costs taken directly to the profit and loss account.  Changes 
in fair value are recognised as "Net gain/loss arising from financial 
instruments at fair value through profit or loss" in the profit and loss 

(iv)    Held-to-maturity securities

Held-to-maturity securities are non-derivative financial assets with fixed 
or determinable payments and fixed maturities that the Group's management 
has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity and are carried 
at amortised cost using the effective interest method.  

(v)     Available-for-sale securities

Available-for-sale securities are those intended to be held for an 
indefinite period of time, which may be sold in response to needs for 
liquidity or changes in interest rates, exchange rates or equity prices 
and are stated at fair value.  Gains and losses arising from changes in 
the fair value are recognised directly in equity, until the financial 
asset is derecognised or impaired at which time the cumulative gain or 
loss previously recognised in equity is recognised in the profit and loss 
Purchases and sales of trading securities, financial assets at fair value 
through profit or loss, held-to-maturity and available-for-sale 
investments are recognised on trade-date.  Loans are recognised when cash 
is advanced to the borrowers.  

Impairment of financial assets 

(i)     Financial assets carried at amortised cost

In prior years, where the Group had doubt on the ultimate recoverability 
of any loans and advances in full, specific provision was made to reduce 
the carrying value of the asset, taking into account available collateral, 
to the expected net realisable value based on the Group's assessment of 
the potential losses on those identified loans and advances on a case-by-
case basis.  In addition, amounts had been set aside as a general 
provision for bad and doubtful debts.  Both specific and general 
provisions were deducted from "Advances and other accounts" and "Trade 
bills" in the balance sheet.  When there was no realistic prospect of 
recovery, the outstanding debt was written off.

Financial assets, other than loans and advances, were reviewed at each 
balance sheet date to determine whether there was any indication of 
impairment.  If the recoverable amount of the asset was estimated to be 
less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asssets was 
reduced to its recoverable amount and the impairment loss was recognised 
in the profit and loss account.  

On adoption of HKAS 39, impairment allowances are made on a financial 
asset when there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of the 
occurrence of certain loss events after the initial recognition of the 
financial asset, and these loss events will have impact on the estimated 
future cash flows of the financial asset.  Impairment loss is assessed 
individually for individually significant financial assets, and 
individually or collectively for financial assets that are not 
individually significant.
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on financial assets 
carried at amortised cost has been incurred, the amount of the loss is 
measured as the difference between the asset's carrying amount and the 
present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit 
losses that have not been incurred) discounted at the financial asset's 
original effective interest rate.  The carrying amount of the asset is 
reduced through the use of an allowance account and the amount of the loss 
is recognised in the profit and loss account.  
For the purposes of a collective evaluation of impairment, financial 
assets are grouped on the basis of similar credit risk characteristics.  
Future cash flows in a group of financial assets that are collectively 
evaluated for impairment are estimated on the basis of the contractual 
cash flows of the assets in the group and historical loss experience for 
assets with credit risk characteristics similar to those in the group.  

Financial assets which have been assessed individually and determined to 
have no objective evidence of impairment are grouped by similar credit 
characteristics and collectively assessed based on historical loss 
experience of each type of financial assets and management judgement of 
the current economic and credit environment.

(ii)    Financial assets at fair value 

In prior years, non-trading securities were reviewed at each balance sheet 
date to determine whether there was any indication of impairment.  If non
-trading securities were determined to be impaired, any loss previously 
recognised in equity was transferred to the profit and loss account.
On adoption of HKAS 39, available-for-sale securities are assessed for 
objective evidence of impairment at each balance sheet date.  When the 
available-for-sale securities are determined to be impaired, the 
cumulative losses previously recognised in equity are transferred to the 
profit and loss account.        

Financial liabilities

In prior years, all financial liabilities except short positions in 
trading securities were carried at cost or amortised cost.  Short 
positions in trading securities were carried at fair value and any gains 
and losses arising from changes in fair value were recognised through the 
profit and loss account.

On adoption of HKAS 39, the Group's financial liabilities are recognised 
based on the following classification:

(i)     Trading liabilities

Short positions in trading securities are carried at fair value.  Gains 
and losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised through the 
profit and loss account.

(ii)    Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, including 
certain structured certificates of deposit issued, are designated by 
management as such at inception according to the classification criteria 
of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss set out 
under the caption of "Financial assets at fair value through profit or 
Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised as "Net 
gain/loss arising from financial instruments at fair value through profit 
or loss" in the profit and loss account.

(iii)   Deposits, certificates of deposit issued and other liabilities
Deposits and certificates of deposit issued, other than those designated 
as trading liabilities or at fair value, and other liabilities are carried 
at amortised cost.              

Valuation of securities and derivatives

The fair value of financial instruments is based on their quoted market 
prices at the balance sheet date without any deduction for estimated 
future selling costs.  Financial assets are priced at current bid prices 
while financial liabilities are priced at current asking prices.  For 
unlisted securities and where the market for a financial instrument is not 
active, the Group estimates fair value by using valuation techniques.  
These include the use of recent arm's length transactions, reference to 
other instruments that are substantially the same, discounted cash flow 
analysis, and option pricing models refined to reflect the issuer's 
specific circumstances.
Effects of adopting HKASs 32 and 39

The new accounting policies have been applied prospectively with effect 
from 1 January 2005 and the comparatives for 2004 have not been restated 
in accordance with the transitional provisions prescribed in the Standard. 
 Opening balance adjustments have been made to reflect the changed 

(d)     HKAS 40: Investment property  
HKAS Interpretation  21: Income Taxes - Recovery of revalued 
non-depreciable assets

In prior years, investment properties were carried at valuation assessed 
by professionally qualified valuers on an open market value basis.  
Increases in valuations were credited to the investment properties 
revaluation reserve; decreases in valuations were first set off against 
the investment properties revaluation reserve on a portfolio basis and 
thereafter were charged to the profit and loss account.  No deferred 
taxation was provided on the revaluation surplus.

On adoption of HKAS 40, investment properties are carried at fair value 
with the changes in fair value reported directly in the profit and loss 
account.  Deferred taxation is provided on the revaluation surplus of 
investment properties in accordance with HKAS Interpretation 21 on HKAS 

When a property is transferred to investment property following a change 
in its use, any differences arising at the date of transfer between the 
carrying amount of the property immediately prior to transfer and its fair 
value are credited to the premises revaluation reserve.  However, a 
revaluation increase is recognised as income to the extent that it 
reverses a revaluation decrease of the same asset previously recognised as 
an expense.  Decreases are first set off against increases on previous 
valuations of the same asset and thereafter are debited to the profit and 
loss account.  Upon disposal of the premises, the relevant portion of the 
revaluation reserve realised in respect of previous valuations is released 
and transferred from the premises revaluation reserve to retained 

If an investment property becomes owner-occupied, it is reclassified as 
premises and its fair value at the date of reclassification becomes its 
cost for subsequent accounting purposes.

The adoption of HKAS 40 and HKAS Interpretation 21 has been applied 
retrospectively.  As permitted by HKAS 40, no prior period adjustment was 
made.  At 1 January 2005, the opening balance of the investment properties 
revaluation reserve of HK$1,360,708,000, after deducting deferred taxation 
of HK$238,124,000, was transferred to retained earnings.    

(e) Estimated effect of changes in the accounting policies

(i)     Estimated effect of changes in the accounting policies on 
consolidated balance sheet items
                        HKAS 17 HKAS 32 &
                                HKAS 39         HKAS 40 &
                                                HKAS INT 21     Total
                        HK$'000 HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000

As at 31 December 2005                          
in assets                               
Trade bills             -            381        -                  381
Certificates of
 deposit held           -            196        -                  196
Derivative financial 
instruments             -          56,699       -               56,699
Financial assets at 
fair value through
profit or loss          -       3,897,675       -            3,897,675
Non-trading securities  -      (3,764,401)      -           (3,764,401)
 securities             -       3,767,780       -            3,767,780
 securities             -      (3,861,080)      -           (3,861,080)
Advances and other
 accounts               -         250,524       -              250,524
Fixed assets       (241,314)            -       -             (241,314)
Interests in
 leasehold land     249,688             -       -              249,688
                  ___________   ___________     ___________ ____________        

Increase in
 total assets        8,374        347,774       -             356,148
                     ======       ========      ======        ========
in liabilities                          
Derivative financial
 instruments            -        155,556        -             155,556
Financial liabilities 
at fair value through
 profit or loss         -      2,360,894        -           2,360,894
Deposits from
 customers              -            517        -                 517
Certificates of
 deposit issued         -     (2,399,962)       -          (2,399,962)
Other accounts and 
accruals                -         (9,745)      271,409        261,664

                    _________ _____________  _____________  ___________
Increase in total
 liabilities            -        107,260      271,409         378,669

 in capital resources                           
Investment properties
 revaluation reserve    -       -          (1,550,906)     (1,550,906)
Bank premises
 revaluation reserve    -       -               1,341           1,341
Investment revaluation 
reserve                 -        (1,479)        -              (1,479)
Retained earnings     8,374     241,993      1,278,156      1,528,523
                    __________ __________   ____________ ______________ 

Increase in total 
liabilities and
 capital resources    8,374     347,774          -            356,148
                      ======    ========      ========       ========

                                HKAS 32 &       HKAS 40 &
                HKAS 17         HKAS 39         HKAS INT 21     Total
                HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000         HK$'000
As at 1 January 2005                            
Increase/(decrease) in assets                           
Trade bills     -              397             -              397
Certificates of deposit held    
                -              392             -              392
Derivative financial instruments        
                -              39,543          -              39,543
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss   
                -              3,610,776       -              3,610,776
Non-trading securities  
                -              (4,113,105)     -             (4,113,105)
Available-for-sale securities   
                -              4,177,167       -              4,177,167
Held-to-maturity securities     
                -              (3,548,557)     -             (3,548,557)
Advances and other accounts     
                -              268,466         -              268,466
Fixed assets    (245,974)       -              -              (245,974)
Interests in leasehold land     
                253,859         -              -              253,859
Increase in total assets        
                7,885           435,079         -              442,964
Increase/(decrease) in liabilities                              
Derivative financial instruments        
                -              165,704         -              165,704
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss      
                -              1,116,284       -              1,116,284
Deposits from customers 
                -              1,117           -              1,117
Certificates of deposit issued  
                -              (1,123,284)     -            (1,123,284)
Other accounts and accruals     
                -              (3,747)         238,124         234,377
Increase in total liabilities   
                -              156,074         238,124         394,198
Increase/(decrease) in capital resources                                
Investment properties revaluation reserve       
                -              -              (1,360,708)   (1,360,708)
Investment revaluation reserve  
                -              (4,130)         -              (4,130)
Retained earnings       
                7,885           283,135         1,122,584       1,413,604
Increase in total liabilities and capital resources     
                7,885           435,079         -              442,964

(ii)    Estimated effect of changes in the accounting policies on 
consolidated profit and loss items

                                                HKAS 1  HKAS 17 HKAS 32 &
                                                                HKAS 39
                                                HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000
Increase/(decrease) in profit for the year
 ended 31 December 2005                 
Net interest income                             -       -       (16,900)
Net fees and commission income                  -       -       11,989
Net loss on trading securities                  -       -       (9,680)
Net loss arising from financial instruments
 at fair value through profit or loss           -       -       (47,312)
Net gain arising from derivative products       -       -       37,360
Net gain from foreign exchange trading          -       -       (2,018)
Depreciation                                    -       4,660   -
Operating lease charges on 
leasehold land                                  -       (4,171) -
Charge for impairment allowances 
on loans and advances                           -       -       (14,118)
Net gain on disposal of available-for-sale
 securities                                     -       -       100
Net loss on disposal of held-to-maturity
 securities                                     -       -       (1,108)
Revaluation surplus on investment properties    -       -       -
Revaluation deficit on premises                 -       -       -
Share of net profits of jointly controlled
 entities                                       (1,612) -       -
Share of profits of associates                  (315)           -
Taxation                                        1,927   -       545
                                                ------- ------- ---------
Increase/(decrease) in profit after taxation    -       489     (41,142)
                                                ======= ======= =========
                                                HK$     HK$     HK$
Increase/(decrease) in earnings per share       -       0.002   (0.177)
                                                ======= ======= =========

                                                HKAS 40 & 
                                                HKAS INT 21     Total
                                                HK$'000         HK$'000
Increase/(decrease) in profit for the year
 ended 31 December 2005         
Net interest income                             -               (16,900)
Net fees and commission income                  -               11,989
Net loss on trading securities                  -               (9,680)
Net loss arising from financial instruments
 at fair value through profit or loss           -               (47,312)
Net gain arising from derivative products       -               37,360
Net gain from foreign exchange trading          -               (2,018)
Depreciation                                    -               4,660
Operating lease charges on 
leasehold land                                  -               (4,171)
Charge for impairment allowances 
on loans and advances                           -               (14,118)
Net gain on disposal of available-for-sale
 securities                                     -               100
Net loss on disposal of held-to-maturity
 securities                                     -               (1,108)
Revaluation surplus on investment properties    188,652         188,652
Revaluation deficit on premises                 (79)            (79)
Share of net profits of jointly controlled
 entities                                       -               (1,612)
Share of profits of associates                  -               (315)
Taxation                                        (33,001)        (30,529)
                                                ------------    ----------
Increase/(decrease) in profit after taxation    155,572         114,919
                                                ============    ==========
                                                HK$             HK$
Increase/(decrease) in earnings per share       0.670           0.495
                                                ============    ==========

                                                HKAS 1  HKAS 17 Total
                                                HK$'000 HK$'000 HK$'000
Increase/(decrease) in profit for the year
 ended 31 December 2004                 
Depreciation                                    -       4,633   4,633
Operating lease charges on leasehold land       -       (4,172) (4,172)
Share of net profits of jointly controlled
 entities                                       (1,296) -       (1,296)
Share of profits of associates                  (60)    -       (60)
Taxation                                        1,356   -       1,356
                                                ------- ------- ---------
Increase in profit after taxation               -       461     461
                                                ======= ======= =========
                                                HK$     HK$     HK$
Increase in earnings per share                  -       0.002   0.002
                                                ======= ======= =========