Listed Company Information

WING LUNG BANK<00096> - Announcement

The Stock Exchange has received a message from Wing Lung Bank Limited
which is reproduced as follows:-

"The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the 
contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy 
or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any 
loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of 
the contents of this of this announcement.

                        WING LUNG BANK LTD
                (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)
                        Stock Code: 096

                        CLARIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Wing Lung Bank Ltd (the "Company") 
makes this clarification announcement in response to articles appeared in 
certain newspapers on 23 February 2006 regarding the statement made by the 
chairman of the Company, Dr Michael Po-ko Wu, at a press conference held 
on 22 February 2006 when he was asked for the expression of interest in 
merger and acquisitions.  

Shareholders of the Company or potential investors should exercise caution 
in dealing in the shares of the Company.


The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Wing Lung Bank Ltd (the "Company") 
makes this clarification announcement in response to articles appeared in 
certain newspapers on 23 February 2006 regarding the statement made by the 
chairman of the Company, Dr Michael Po-ko Wu, at a press conference held 
on 22 February 2006 when he was asked for the expression of interest in 
merger and acquisitions.

The Board wishes to clarify that there are no negotiations or agreements 
relating to intended acquisitions or realisations which are discloseable 
under rule 13.23, neither is the Board aware of any matter discloseable 
under the general obligation imposed by rules 13.09, which is or may be of 
price-sensitive nature, and that the chairman's answer was given in a 
general sense and with reference to past history rather than to ongoing or 
prospective happenings.

Shareholders of the Company or potential investors should exercise caution 
in dealing in the shares of the Company.
As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the 
Company are Dr Michael Po-ko Wu (Chairman), Dr Patrick Po-kong Wu (Vice-
Chairman), Dr Philip Po-him Wu (Chief Executive) and Mr Che-shum Chung, 
the non-executive directors are Mr Albert Po-cheung Wu, Mr Ivan Po-young 
Wu and Mr Anthony Shang-fung Wu and the independent non-executive 
directors are Dr Siu-chan Ng, Dr Norman Nai-pang Leung, Mr Lincoln Hung-
leung Soo and Mr Shung-kwong Tsang.  Mr Kenneth Ngai-keung Ma is the 
alternate director to Mr Ivan Po-young Wu and Miss Alice Shang-sze Wu is 
the alternate director to Mr Albert Po-cheung Wu.

By order of the Board
Maria Wan-sin Fung

Hong Kong, 24 February 2006

Please refer to the published version of this announcement in The Standard 
dated 27 February 2006."