Listed Company Information

LEI SHING HONG<00238> - Unusual price & volume movements

The Stock Exchange has received a message from Lei Shing Hong Limited
which is reproduced as follows:-

"This statement is made at the request of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong 

We have noted today's increase in the price and increase in the trading 
volume of the shares of the Company and wish to state that we are not 
aware of any reasons for such increases.

We also confirm that there are no negotiations or agreements relating to 
intended acquisitions or realisations which are discloseable under rule 
13.23, neither is the Board aware of any matter discloseable under the 
general obligation imposed by rule 13.09, which is or may be of a price-
sensitive nature.

Made by the order of the Board of Lei Shing Hong Limited the directors of 
which individually and jointly accept responsibility for the accuracy of 
this statement.

As at the date of this statement, the Executive Directors of the Company 
are Mr Gan Khian Seng, Mr Yong Foo San, Mr Volker Josef Eckehard Harms, Ms 
Lim Mooi Ying, Marianne and Mr Poh Yeow Kim, Lawrence.  The Non-Executive 
Directors are Mr Christopher Patrick Langley, Mr Victor Yang and Mr Lam 
Kwong Yu and the Independent Non-Executive Directors are Mr Fung Ka Pun, 
Mr Hubert Meier and Mr Alan Howard Smith.

Hong Kong, this 15th day of March, 2006.

For and on behalf of Lei Shing Hong Limited
Name:   Lim Mooi Ying, Marianne
Title:  Director and Authorised Representative"