Listed Company Information

CHINA NETCOM<00906> - Results Announcement

China Netcom Group Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited announced on 23/08/2006:
(stock code: 00906 )
Year end date: 31/12/2006
Currency: RMB
Auditors' Report: Unqualified
Interim report reviewed by: Both Audit Committee and Auditors
                                                        (Unaudited )
                                     (Unaudited )       Last
                                     Current            Corresponding
                                     Period             Period
                                     from 01/01/2006    from 01/01/2005
                                     to 30/06/2006      to 30/06/2005
                               Note  ('Million  )       ('Million  )
Turnover                           : 43,181             42,773            
Profit/(Loss) from Operations      : 11,730             12,191            
Finance cost                       : (1,937)            (1,701)           
Share of Profit/(Loss) of 
  Associates                       : N/A                N/A               
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities      : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI       : 7,094              7,688             
% Change over Last Period          : -7.7      %
EPS/(LPS) from continuing
	 -Basic (in dollars)       : 1.08               1.17              
         -Diluted (in dollars)     : 1.07               1.17              
EPS/(LPS) from discontinued
	 -Basic (in dollars)       : (0.01)             (0.01)
         -Diluted (in dollars)     : (0.01)             (0.01)
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)    : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items      : 7,094              7,688             
Interim Dividend                   : N/A                N/A
  per Share                                              
(Specify if with other             : N/A                N/A
B/C Dates for 
  Interim Dividend                 : N/A   
Payable Date                       : N/A
B/C Dates for (-)            
  General Meeting                  : N/A   
Other Distribution for             : N/A
  Current Period                     
B/C Dates for Other 
  Distribution                     : N/A   


1   Basis of presentation

These unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements (the "interim 
financial statements") have been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong 
Accounting Standard ("HKAS") 34, "Interim Financial Reporting" issued by 
the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the "HKICPA") and 
the disclosure requirements of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and the 
Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong 
Kong Limited. 

The interim financial statements include the financial information of the 
China Netcom Group Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Company") and its 
subsidiary (collectively the "Group") and have been prepared in accordance 
with the same accounting policies adopted in 2005 financial statements and 
the new accounting policies as set out in Note 2 below. These interim 
financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Group's 2005 
financial statements. 

In respect of the 2005 comparative figures, prior to the acquisition of 
the principal telecommunications operations and assets in the four 
northern provinces/autonomous region, namely Shanxi Province, Neimenggu 
Autonomous Region, Jilin Province and Heilongjiang Province from China 
Netcom Communications Group Corporation (the "China Netcom Group") on 25 
October, 2005 (the "Acquisition"), China Netcom Group held the entire 
telecommunications operations and assets of four northern provinces/
autonomous region.  Since China Netcom Group is the Group's ultimate 
holding company, the Acquisition constitutes a business combination under 
common control. Acquisition under common control is outside the scope of 
HKFRS 3.  Accordingly, the Company has used merger accounting to record 
the Acquisition in accordance with the Accounting Guideline 5 "Merger 
Accounting For Common Control Acquisition" ("AG 5") issued by the HKICPA, 
and the acquired assets are stated at carrying amounts as if the fixed 
line telecommunications operations and assets of the four provinces/
autonomous region have been held by the Company from the beginning of the 
earliest period presented.  The 2005 comparatives of the income statement 
have been restated accordingly. 

On 2 June 2006, the Group entered into an agreement with third party 
buyers to dispose of the entire interests in the Asia Netcom Corporation 
Limited and its subsidiaries (the "ANC Group") and the disposal was 
completed on 22 August 2006.  The assets and liabilities of the ANC Group 
have been classified as held for sales and carried at the lower of 
carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell since their carrying 
amount is recovered principally through a sales transaction rather than 
through a continuing use since 2 June 2006 in accordance with HKFRS 5 "
Non-current assets held for sales and discontinued operations" issued by 
the HKICPA.  The results of the operations of the ANC Group have been 
presented as discontinued operations. The 2005 comparative figure of the 
income statement related to the ANC Group have been re-presented as 
discontinued operations accordingly.

A significant percentage of the Group's funding requirements is achieved 
through short term borrowings. Consequently, the balance sheet indicates a 
significant working capital deficit. In the past, a substantial portion of 
the Group's short term borrowings have been rolled over upon maturity. In 
addition, on 20 July 2006, the Group issued commercial papers to raise 
additional funding of RMB10 billion. Based on the Group's history of 
obtaining finance, its current finance, its relationships with its bankers 
and its operating performance, the directors consider that the Group will 
continue to be able to roll over such short term financing, or will be 
able to obtain sufficient alternative sources of financing to enable it to 
operate and meet its liabilities as and when they fall due. 

2   Changes in accounting policies

In 2006, the Group adopted the new and revised HKFRSs as listed below, 
which are relevant to its operations. 

HKAS21(revised)         Movement impact of foreign currency-net investment 
                        in foreign operations 
HKAS 39(revised)        Predictive accounting of cash flow hedging of 
                        inner group transaction
HKAS 39(revised)        Fair value option
HKAS 39(revised)        Financial guarantee contract
HKFRS 4(revised)        Financial guarantee contract

The adoption of these new and revised HKFRSs by the Company did not have 
any significant impact on its results of operations and financial 

3   Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is computed using the weighted average number of 
ordinary shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per share 
is computed using the weighted average number of ordinary shares and 
potential ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted net 
earnings/(loss) per share:

                                   Six months ended 30 June
                                2006                   2005
                                (in RMB millions, except share
                                and per share data)
                                Unaudited             Unaudited
                                                      (Note 1)
Profit/(loss) for the period    7,094                   7,688

- Continuing operations         7,145                   7,740 
- Discontinued operations       (51)                    (52)

Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding and shares used in 
computing basic earnings per share      
                                6,596,123,569           6,593,529,000
Diluted equivalent shares arising from share options   
                                50,441,318              34,754,749
Shares used in computing diluted earnings per share     
                                6,646,564,887           6,628,283,749

Basic earnings/(loss) per share                 
- Continuing operations         RMB1.08                 RMB1.17
- Discontinued operations       RMB(0.01)               RMB(0.01)

Diluted earnings/(loss) per share                       
- Continuing operations         RMB1.07                 RMB1.17
- Discontinued operations       RMB(0.01)               RMB(0.01)

4  Discontinued operations

On 2 June 2006, the Group entered into agreement to dispose of its entire 
interest in the ANC Group. The disposal was completed on 22 August 2006.  
The results of the ANC Group are presented in this interim financial 
statement as discontinued operations.

The income statement of the ANC Group are set out below:

                                Six months ended 30 June
                                2006            2005
                                RMB             RMB
                                million         million
                                Unaudited       Unaudited
Discontinued operations:                                        
Revenues                        726             663
Expenses                        (776)           (716)
Loss before taxation of discontinued operations
                                (50)            (53)
Taxation                        (1)             1
Loss after tax of discontinued operations
                                (51)            (52)