Listed Company Information

CNAC<01110> - Amendment to Result Announcement (Advised by CNAC)

The Stock Exchange has received a message from China National Aviation
Company Limited which is reproduced as follows:-

"The Company would like to amend the summary form of Interim Results 
Announcement for the period 1/1/2006 to 30/6/2006 as submitted on 
29/8/2006, the item of finance cost was inadvertently presented as 
$504,000 ($1,802,000 for the period 1/1/2005 to 30/6/2005); the correct 
presentation should include a bracket therewith, thus the finance cost for 
the first half year of 2006 is ($504,000) and for the first half year of 
2005 is ($1,802,000)."