

Hailan Holdings Limited (02278)
(001) Memorandum and articles of association of the Offeror
(002) Letter from Yu Ming
(003) Written consent of Yu Ming
(004) Memorandum and articles of association of the Company (Eng)
(005) Memorandum and articles of association of the Company (Chi)
(006) 2020 Annual report
(007) 2021 Annual report
(008) 2022 Annual report
(009) Letter from the Board
(010) Letter from the Independent Board Committee
(011) Letter from the Independent Financial Adviser
(012) Material contract (1) - equity transfer agreement
(013) Material contract (2) - equity transfer agreement
(014) Material contract (3) equity transfer agreement
(015) Material contract (4) - equity transfer agreement
(016) Material contract (5) - equity transfer agreement
(017) Material contract (6) - equity transfer agreement
(018) Written consent of Independent Financial Adviser
(019) Written consent of Cushman & Wakefield
(020) Full property valuation report