 | Cover |
 | Summary |
 | Results of Applications Made by WHITE Application Forms or HK eIPO White Form |
 | The followings are the identification document numbers (where supplied) of wholly or partially successful applicants using WHITE Application Forms or HK eIPO White Form and |
 | the number of Hong Kong Offer Shares conditionally allotted to them. Applicants who have not provided their identification document numbers are not shown. |
| Identification document number(s) (A0663428 to Z9543024) |
 | Results of Applications Made by YELLOW Application Forms (Through Designated CCASS Clearing/Custodian Participants) |
 | The followings are the identification document numbers (where supplied) of wholly or partially successful applicants using YELLOW Application Forms through designated CCASS Clearing/Custodian Participants and |
 | the number of Hong Kong Offer Shares conditionally allotted to them. Applicants who have not provided their identification document numbers are not shown. |
| Identification document number(s) (16063767 to Z4188676) |
 | Results of Applications Made by Giving Electronic Application Instructions To HKSCC via CCASS |
 | The followings are the identification document numbers (where supplied) of wholly or partially successful applicants made by giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC via CCASS and |
 | the number of Hong Kong Offer Shares conditionally allotted to them. Applicants who have not provided their identification document numbers are not shown. |
| Identification document number(s) (0574701 to Z9577956) |